Celebration of Life
Doors open at 3:30 PM. The service starts at 4 PM. From 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM, there will be a walk-on kickball game. Refreshments will be served.
Zoom Information:
Password: 888648
A big thank you to the community, the City of Redondo Beach, and many others who have donated to support Kingston and his family.
I would like to express my gratitude to the following companies and individuals for their time, money, and resources donated to this event.
Sign-Up to be Part of the Support Squad
Check out the sign-up sheet at Sign-up Genius and see if you can help out in any way. There’s plenty to be done, and helping hands are what community is about.
Create a Video To Share with the Family
Use this QR code to send your good wishes to the family. If you cannot attend Kingston’s Celebration or would like to share a special note with the family, this is for you.